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M.o.x : Misi Operasi X

M.o.x : Misi Operasi X

DirectorDato Zulkefly M Osman

CastsAdam Shah, Ebi Kornelis, Zaidi Omar, Adam Shah, Shareeta Selvaraj, Radhi Khalid, Radhi Khalid, Tya Ariffin

Duration86 minutes


GenreAction,Drama,Science Fiction

Trailer & Synopsis

M.O.X is a spy agency headed by 'M' while KFR13 is an organisation led by Komander Moshie. The latter is involved in illegal activities and linked to the international terrorist organisation based in Alaska, which often poses threats to the world's stability with its high-tech research labs and weapons. Threats from KFR13 has also caused the secret agents from M.O.X to perish or vanish without a trace. During a secret mission in the Philippines, Don Pedro manages to save a Malaysian named Martias who has successfully hacked KFR13's plan and weapon formula. Since then, KFR13 tails Don Pedro no matter where he goes, including Thailand, Malaysia, India and Alaska, in order to kill him and destroy any evidence linked to them.

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